The diplomaed astrologist and the psychologist, I have a private practice and firm in Riga, Latvia. I shall help to define a source and the reason of occurrence of a problem in attitudes with relatives, the husband, the wife, children, colleagues Estimations of the future in attitudes with the future spouse, vocational guidance for children... From you - date of your birth, a place and time, and also all people, about which you ask in the text of your description of a problem.
5 комментариев:
Good start Vladimir. Look forward to hearing more on your blog. Nancy
Looking forward to seeing small bites of information about you and your work when I return to your blog next time.
Hello Nancy
Thanks for the comment.
To me interestingly your opinion on my activity.
This page on the Internet is necessary to me to tell about my work of the astrologist and the psychologist. This new direction in development of two knowledge, which once have specially been divided in 16 century to separate the maximum knowledge or strategy from the lowest knowledge or tactics.
The maximum knowledge, since then, remains for priests, shamen and religious figures, and now, for the largest bankers and industrialists. And the lowest knowledge remains for scientists who left all more deeply in fine details and lost understanding of the main sense of all surrounding. Now, people the sky only analyze and supervise, and people of the ground only work and work. Astro the psychology allows to correct this situation. To know laws of space each person should to understand sense of occuring events and freely to choose the way of development and movement on the Road of the Life.
Hello Nancy
I wish to explain occurrence of this prevention " Important Disclaimer ".
In my country people do not think what to ask date of a birth, it means to wish something to steal. Even, for the majority of very rich people in my country date of a birth is only date of a birth. Besides to make a card of a horoscope to learn date of a birth is the very first step to search of the answer to a question of the client. For example, at the grabber, this same what to make a x-ray picture of a tooth or a site of a body to learn about processes inside of the person, the client. In bank at you will start to study credit history before will start to talk about deliveries of the credit. And the psychoanalyst in the same way will listen to you long, only, to learn you to start to help you.
In the same way and in an astrology.
In the text of the message at me the mistake has turned out. I have written the grabber, and the doctor wished to write. But in modern medicine the doctor, now, only takes away money, but the mistake forgets about treatment, so it even not!
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