Важный комментарий.
Мне стало известно, что в некоторых странах мира существуют законы, которые запрещают спрашивать у клиентов дату их рождения, места рождения и место постоянного проживания.
Это, вероятно, имеет прямую связь с привычкой делать цифры вашего дня рождения шифром pin-code карты вашего банка.
Однако, законы составление гороскопа, требуют начинать работу над поиском ответов на вопросы клиента, с вопроса о дате рождения клиента, и вот почему, мне важно узнать от вас - точную дату вашего рождения.
Поэтому, заранее, вас предупреждаю, что, если вы не сможете предоставить вашу дату рождения, по различным причинам, то и я не смогу ответить на ваши вопросы, потому что:
в вашей стране существуют законы, которые противоречат законам астрологии
я живу и работаю в стране, в которой нет таких запрещающих законов, в отношении к астрологии, как в вашей стране
законы и традиции вашей культуры, религии, народа, веры, ваше воспитание, образование, мышление и ваши привычки не позволяют вам верить в законы астрологии и использовать рекомендации астролога
законы моей страны, позволяют использовать демократические правила, свободы и отношения, особенно, между мужчиной и женщиной, намного больше, чем законы в вашей стране.
2 комментария:
The important comment addition.
All texts are in english written by means of the automatic computer translator.
I knew, that in some countries of the world there are laws which forbid to ask, date of their birth clients, the birthplaces and a place of constant residing.
It possibly has a direct communication with habits to do figures of the birthday the code pin-code the card of bank.
However, laws drawing up of a horoscope in an astrology and astro psychologies, demand to begin work above search of answers to questions of the client, with a question on date of a birth of the client. Therefore, I ask you date of a birth because it is laws of astrology.
Therefore, I in advance warn you, that I cannot answer you your questions, because:
In your country there are laws which contradict laws of astrology,
I live and I work in the country in which there are no such forbidding laws, concerning to astrology, as in your country,
Laws and traditions of your culture, religion, people, belief, your education, formation, thinking and your habits do not allow you to trust in laws of astrology or to use conclusions astro the psychologist.
Laws of my country, allow me to feel democratic rules, economic freedom and attitudes between the man and the woman it is, more, than laws in your country.
The important comment addition.
All texts are in english written by means of the automatic computer translator.
I knew, that in some countries of the world there are laws which forbid to ask, date of their birth clients, the birthplaces and a place of constant residing.
It possibly has a direct communication with habits to do figures of the birthday the code pin-code the card of bank.
However, laws drawing up of a horoscope in an astrology and astro psychologies, demand to begin work above search of answers to questions of the client, with a question on date of a birth of the client. Therefore, I ask you date of a birth because it is laws of astrology.
Therefore, I in advance warn you, that I cannot answer you your questions, because:
In your country there are laws which contradict laws of astrology,
I live and I work in the country in which there are no such forbidding laws, concerning to astrology, as in your country,
Laws and traditions of your culture, religion, people, belief, your education, formation, thinking and your habits do not allow you to trust in laws of astrology or to use conclusions astro the psychologist.
Laws of my country, allow me to feel democratic rules, economic freedom and attitudes between the man and the woman it is, more, than laws in your country.
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